Guaimaca | HONDURAS

Guaimaca, Honduras, is home to Orphanage Emmanuel. This orphanage was started back in 1989 by David & Lydia Martinez. This is one of the premier orphanages in the world with over 500 children in their care. On the property they have housing for all of the kids and staff, a large cafeteria, a church, a fully-functional farm, a school, and plenty of room to play, including a soccer field. They are continually striving to disciple their children in order to reach Honduras with the gospel. Check out their website by CLICKING HERE.


The reason that our church has been going to Orphanage Emmanuel for more than 20 years is because of the biblical command in James 1:27 to take care of orphans. We normally send two teams there per year in order to help with building projects, take care of the children's health and dental needs, and to show support. We also encourage our members to sponsor a child from the orphanage for $35 per month. This is the orphanage's primary revenue stream.
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