Who's Your One?

Imagine if every believer could answer the question "Who's your one?" with the name of a person who is far from God - a person for whom they are praying and with whom they are seeking to share the Gospel!

That is the intention behind Who's Your One? We believe God's people don't merely need another method for evangelism. What they need is a white-hot passion to see people who are far from God experience the new life he offers through Jesus Christ. They need a true belief that people face an eternity apart from God in a place called Hell without the saving grace of Jesus. They need to be infused with the same love that God has for mankind and understand that they have been chosen to play a role in this great mission of God to redeem all people.

So, who is your One? Can you name at least one person in your life that has yet to make a decision to follow Jesus? Will you commit to pray for that person? Will you be intentional to see every opportunity of being around this person as a chance to speak truth into their life?

All that will matter 100 years from now is Jesus! If you believe this to be a true statement, you must get busy sharing the Good News of Jesus with people who need to hear it.

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