Echo Prayer App
Echo Prayer App

Jesus taught us how to pray and commanded us to pray. Paul told us to pray without ceasing. However, many Christians only pray when an emergency happens or when they have a wishlist to present to God.
We are going to start using the Echo Prayer App as a means to help you get in the habit of continual prayer and to help us to pray for each other. This app is free to use without advertisements, or you can pay a low, yearly premium to be able to start your own groups and feeds.
Our church has its own feed that you can subscribe to now. This is where we will put prayer items of a general nature, such as when someone is ill, lost a loved one, etc. We also have a mission feed that you can subscribe to where we will put prayer requests pertaining to our missionaries and church planters.
If you would like to submit a general church prayer request, you can always send them to Or, you can send mission prayer requests to
We are going to start using the Echo Prayer App as a means to help you get in the habit of continual prayer and to help us to pray for each other. This app is free to use without advertisements, or you can pay a low, yearly premium to be able to start your own groups and feeds.
Our church has its own feed that you can subscribe to now. This is where we will put prayer items of a general nature, such as when someone is ill, lost a loved one, etc. We also have a mission feed that you can subscribe to where we will put prayer requests pertaining to our missionaries and church planters.
If you would like to submit a general church prayer request, you can always send them to Or, you can send mission prayer requests to
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