Connected Foster Care Area 2

Connected Foster Care Area 2 is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The state of Arkansas recognized the vast need for foster care families in our county, so they allowed Connected to come in to work with local Southern Baptist Churches in order to promote foster care, train parents, and provide respite care. They even have their own caseworkers to place foster care children into homes! CLICK HERE to go to their website.


The reason that our church partners with this organization is because we have such a huge need for foster parents in our county. We have so many children in the foster care system here and so few foster parents that many are forced to be placed in homes as far away as Little Rock. This is unacceptable! In order to make a dent in this problem, we have partnered with Connected to help them recruit foster parents and provide other services to them.
Go back to the Advocacy page to get signed up to be in the Connected Go Group.