Lisbon, Portugal, is a beautiful port and capital of the country. It seems strange to think of the Portuguese people as an unreached people group, but it is the truth of the matter. Less than 2% of the population are Evangelical Christians. It is also very difficult to talk of spiritual things with people in this country. For many generations, as they served under a dictatorship, they were taught to not question things. This culture continues to this day.


The reason that our church is in Portugal is because of our great relationship with Tyler & Jenna Morehart and their kids. They started their IMB journey in East Asia, but were kicked out for political reasons during the pandemic. They now serve in Portugal were they are tasked with reaching people for Christ, starting new churches, and working with the few local churches. Tyler and Jenna both grew up here at our church, and it is exciting to see the work they are doing for the Lord.
Go back to the Advocacy page to get signed up to be in the Lisbon | PORTUGAL Go Group.