Tanzania is a country made up of many tribes. One of those tribes is the Pare Tribe who live in the Pare Mountains at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro. This tribe is mainly made up of subsistence farmers who grow corn, beans, bananas, and coffee. The Pare People have just recently been designated as a reached people group, meaning that more than 2% of them are now Evangelical Christians. This is due to a tremendous move of God the past few years.


The reason that our church is in Tanzania is because our church adopted the Pare Tribe more than 15 years ago. As we began to pray for them and take short-term trips, our current Mission Pastor and his family accepted a call from God to serve as International Mission Board missionaries there. They spent three years working with this tribe together with a national pastor named Fanuel Kiroka. Our Monday Class now supports Fanuel and his ministry full-time, and our church takes trips there periodically to disciple and train leadership among the new churches.
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