Riverton | WYOMING

Riverton, Wyoming, is home to the Wind River Indian Reservation. Riverton is actually the only US city completely surrounded by a reservation. This reservation is called home by two Native American Tribes: Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone. The Northern Arapaho is considered the last critically unreached Native American Tribe in the continental US. This means that less than 1% are Evangelical Christians.


The reason that our church is in Riverton is because the Northern Arapaho deserve to hear and know the gospel. We believe that God has created them to be a unique and beautiful culture. Our aim is not to bully people into believing what we believe. We simply want to do good for them and let them know that God loves them. Our prayer is that some may choose to come to know Christ as their Savior.
Go back to the Advocacy page to get signed up to be in the Riverton | Wyoming Go Group.